Thursday, October 30, 2014

What it says

Live simply, expect little, give much.
Fill your life with love, scatter sunshine.
Forget self.
Think of others and do as you would be done by.

(That ought to fix me up in the morning. Thanks mom.)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

1:48:35! #pdxmarathon

My goodness, but I am so proud! It was fun, it was flat, it was crowded, it was fast, and it was sunny. I feel lucky spending the day doing what I love.

To run, to smile, to feel light -- it fills me with gratitude.  This is what keeps me afloat and this is what helps me exhale.

The solitude of running never feels like solitude to me; instead it grounds me, it settles me, it makes my heart want to explode sometimes in happiness -- and that is a wonderful thing.  To wit, I'm apparently wicked fast! (And I also have incredibly sore knees. Whoa!)