Oddly enough, I've been plagued with nightmares of a personal (and particularly distressful) nature for the past week or so.
The first was this: One of my lovely British friends became a famous swimsuit model, and she had these really incredible legs. Rather annoying, I say.
The second one was this: My brother-in-law told me that I was looking quite terrible and had clearly decided to 'let myself go'. So I spent the rest of the night searching for a discounted Chanel dress (it was $400, to be precise) and a bottle of red toenail polish.
The third dream was this: We were getting ready to go out somewhere and Michael says to me, 'Aren't you going to put on any makeup?' And I said 'fine' and put some on. Then he says, 'Uhhh, that doesn't really do much for you. Maybe you should put on some more.' And on it went.
Now really, I know they were dreams and all, but what a bunch of jerks, right? Not to mention how very rude of them. Don't they know I am a very busy lady, and so what if I've maybe let my appearance go a bit? Anyway, I've decided that I'm not going to speak to any of them for 3 maybe even 4 days. That'll show 'em. Although that may be slightly difficult as I happen to be married to one of the culprits.
Thank goodness I happen to have a house full of chocolate right now, because otherwise I don't know what I would do. (Although, I daresay all this chocolate won't help my appearance in the least, just ask the rude-group from my nightmares. I would, but I'm not currently on speaking terms with any of them.) Chocolate has a way of making things better. However, it must, on all accounts, be good chocolate. I personally cannot be bothered with the cheap crap from the grocery store. (Although, Whole Foods has a more than respectable selection — they even have some Fran's.)
My mom is the one to blame for my chocolate obsession. When we were growing up she would buy chocolate on a regular basis (my personal favorite was always from ZCMI). After procuring her sizable stash she would proceed to 'squirrel it away'. And by 'squirrel it away' I mean that she would hide it throughout the house — away from prying eyes, as it were, in places that she assumed were private. You know, like her underwear drawer, for instance (not private); under her bed (not private); under the couch (why on earth would this be private?). So if you were ever in a pinch for, let's say, non-pareils, apricot brandy cordials, english toffee, or (when desperate) mint truffles, one always knew exactly where to look.
These hiding places are still commonly talked about today, if for no other reason than the fact that my mom still uses them — despite having no kids at home from whom to hide her loot. What I find very funny though is that fact that now when she hides it, sometimes even she can't find it. And if you want to make her mad, all you have to say is that if YOU have anything to hide from mom, simply put it in the fruit bowl. It's the last place she'll look. (Why she neglects to see the humor in this is beyond me.) Anyway, I digress.
Over the years I have become quite the connoisseur of chocolate. I have literally tried (and tried) oodles of different chocolates. (It is actually quite remarkable how easy it is nowadays to get your hands on amazing chocolate.) However, my heart belongs to Fran's. It is spectacular and instantly makes all right with the world. Also, their shops are gorgeous. (I typically go to the one on Main Street in Bellevue. I've yet to see the new-ish one they opened downtown Seattle. Although my husband says it is very nice.)
As for their chocolate: I love the sea-salted caramels, the tas-de-noix, the caramel imperiales (and the chocolate ones, for that matter), the french brandied cherries that are typically only offered during the winter months, all of the divine truffles; including the single malt, pure milk, oolong tea, bittersweet, orange, raspberry (pretty much all of them except the espresso one; I love coffee and I love chocolate, just not in a truffle), the hazlenut crunch... Oh, and they do a rather lovely chocolate infused fig. Their chocolate santas are so good (both Emilia and I have been enjoying hers), but their Easter selection is by far the best. I look forward to it every year.
Over the past year they have redesigned some of their truffles, giving them a more 'modern' look. (And by modern, I mean square.) At first I was opposed to the redesign, but it is actually quite nice — albeit much smaller (am I the only one who noticed?). It does make the layout of the box prettier, not that it was really lacking in that area or anything. And every time you buy a box of their chocolate (either pre-made or choose your own varietals) they put a most gorgeous ribbon on the top of it and wrap it in tissue. And to tell you the truth, oftentimes just seeing that makes me feel the world is a better place. (I wish so much I could tell you the name of the wonderful lady who works in the Bellevue shop. She knows me, Emilia, and my sister. And she is always so nice and cheery.) Maybe that is what the Nigerian who just tried to blow us all up on an airplane needs. A couple boxes of Fran's and he'd be a much happier person. Well, maybe that is a stretch. But I can almost guarantee it will help one sleep better. And if not, then one may just have to resort to that discount Chanel dress.
I was writing about 'le gouter' which is almost synonym for quatre heures and discovered your blog.
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