Friday, September 3, 2010

Because It Made Me Laugh

Father Nagel gave us all copies of the Bible at mass a few weeks ago in an effort to get us to read them, cover to cover.  Because let's face it -- when it comes to reading the Bible, Catholics suck.  I find this particularly odd since Catholics (quite literally) invented the Bible.  I have several theories on why this non-reading phenomenon persists today, of which I will not bore you.  However, I think it may have something to do with the fact that Catholics were once forbidden from reading the Bible on their own -- lest we interpret it all wrong and get any sort of crazy notions in our heads. 

Anyway, because I refuse to be lumped into the 'non-reading' category, I've been trying to read a chapter of it every day out loud to Emilia -- sort of in the manner of the mother in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.  (Aha!  See, not all Catholics shun Bible reading!  That book is about an Irish Catholic family.  Wow, I feel better already.)

And so, there we were -- Emilia and I sitting in the living room, reading all about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  She played with her dollhouse periodically, but mostly came and stood by the arm of the sofa and listened.  I was quite impressed, to say the least.  Later that evening as we were all at the dinner table, Michael asked Emilia about it.  'So Emilia, what is a serpent?'  And without missing a beat, the girl replies, 'It a bigbigbig snake!  It make me the willies!'

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making me laugh!

    I'm not Catholic or Christian of any type, but I have noticed the lack of Bible knowledge among my Catholic acquaintances. Even just what I would call 'general knowledge' Bible stories. Interesting to hear you talk about it.
